A Coalition of Informed Activated Citizens

Parental Bill of Rights

As the initiative I-2081 became effective, State Superintendent Chris Reykdal from OSPI issued guidance to school districts around the state to not comply with all aspects of the new law. One Washington engaged Silent Majority Foundation to file a brief in King County Superior court on Thursday, June 13th, to become a co-defendant along with the State of Washington, Informed Choice Washington, Let’s Go Washington, and WSRP to defend the Parental Rights Law passed as a result of Initiative I-2081. 
Get trained in a specific strategy called, “Mind the Gap” where you will learn effective communication strategies to help those you know who have different values begin to understand the challenges that parents and children are facing in our confusing culture.

About Us

Our Goal: Informed, well-organized, effective action.

Educate: Understanding the Founding Documents of our Nation and the principles that guided their development is essential for citizens to understand basic rights and duties as Citizens. From time to time there are also practical issues that are important to Washington State citizens. To that end, One Washington provides educational opportunities for citizen groups, faith communities, as well as links to helpful resources.

Organize: Since our State and nation are founded on the premise “We the people,” every individual voice in this Constitutional Republic is important to the proper working of our Government – locally, State-wide, and Nationally. Even so, collective action can increase Individual effectiveness. One Washington helps State citizens organize in their local community, region, and/or across the State to multiply effectiveness.

Activate: People who care about issues affecting their families and communities often feel overwhelmed and ask, “What can I do?” In addition to the previous two objectives, the ultimate objective of One Washington is to be a catalyst for action by proposing practical steps people can implement to support and protect their basic God-given Constitutional rights. 

Upcoming Events

Vaccine Mandate Workshop

Washington State has mandated fully COVID-19 vaccination for all state employees, health workers, and education workers. Religious exemptions are allowed. This workshop will give you the tools and encouragement you need to request your exemption in front of your employer. 

Areas of Interest

How we accomplish our mission


One Washington provides educational opportunities for citizen groups, faith communities, as well as links to helpful resources. 

Law Enforcement

One Washington affirms that “an unenforced law becomes mere advice.” We value and support appropriate law enforcement at local, county, and state levels. 

Social Justice

We affirm that all men and women are created equal and that, as such, should be treated accordingly under the law so as to be free to exercise their inalienable rights as citizens.


We believe the US and Washington State constitutions take priority over all Washington State government actions and establish corresponding citizens’ rights and responsibilities. 


Watch our collection of videos.