Please Express Your Support Now
for the "Parental Bill of Rights"
Initiative 2081


Great News: 454,372 signatures of Washington State Citizens were turned in to the Secretary of State's Office in support of Initiative 2081

Initiative 2081 will provide parents with 15 specific rights which includes the ability to review educational materials, receive certain notifications and opt out of sexual health education. This voter initiative passed with overwhelming support in the legislature on Monday. The new law will abate confusion and cement the rights of parents and will prevent school districts from mistreating parents seeking information.

"We are proud that One Washington’s advocacy efforts - and especially those of you that made your voices heard - successfully united Washington parents across our state and across the political spectrum to stand up for our children and opposed to those who believe government should have a role in how we raise our kids.

Together, we achieved a major political victory. Together, we've created greater protections for our children. Through our continued efforts together , we will make our state One Washington."